
The Balcón del Coño: A special corner in Andalusia.

Balcón del Coño Ronda Andalucia Spain

In the heart of Andalusia lies Ronda, a city that leaves no visitor indifferent. Located in its majestic landscapes, you will find the Mirador de la Peña de Berlanga, better known as the Balcón del Coño. This special corner offers much more than just a panoramic view; looking out is an experience that combines surprise, wonder, and a touch of Andalusian cheekiness.

Why is it called Balcón del Coño?

The peculiar name of the Balcón del Coño Balcón del Coño< comes from the spontaneous exclamation of astonishment that many visitors make when they lean out of this viewpoint and contemplate the impressive view. The expression “¡Coño!” is a very common interjection in Spanish colloquial speech that denotes surprise or shock, similar to “Wow!” in English.

Located in the Alameda del Tajo, this balcony offers a dizzying view of the Tajo gorge and the river Guadalevín, which meanders hundreds of metres below. The natural reaction of awe and admiration for the breathtaking height and beauty of the landscape has given rise to this nickname which has been maintained over time.

Both the name of the viewpoint, which reflects the casual and spontaneous character of Andalusian culture, and its spectacular views, have turned the viewpoint into a tourist attraction.

View of “El Balcón del Coño” – Enlarged image.

A breathtaking view

Al llegar al Balcón del Coño, encontrarás una barandilla de hierro forjado que parece suspendida en el aire. From this point, the city of Ronda is shown in all its magnificence: the New Bridge, the hanging houses, and beyond, the rolling hills of the serranía. It is a perfect place to capture the beauty of Ronda in a photograph, or simply to stop and enjoy the views.

Experience and tradition

The Balcón del Coño is more than just a place with a curious name; it is a symbol of the surprise and wonder that Ronda offers its visitors. Every glance from this balcony is an invitation to fall in love with the city, its culture and its people. So, if you’re planning a trip to Andalusia, be sure to include Ronda on your itinerary and let the Balcón del Coño steal your breath away.

View of “El Balcón del Coño” from a more distant point of view in summer.

Enjoy your visit to Ronda with a multitude of plans and activities.

Visiting the Balcón del Coño is much more than just enjoying a spectacular view; it is also about immersing yourself in local life and traditions. The viewpoint’s proximity to the historic centre of Ronda allows visitors to explore cobbled streets, discover bodegas such as Doña Felisa, with the region’s best wines, and sample Andalusian gastronomy in quaint restaurants.

Visit a winery and wine tasting session

Ronda is a city with many attractions and is also famous for its wines, and Ronda is considered the happiest town in Spain. If you like wine and you are interested in wine tourism, we invite you to take a guided tour at Bodega Doña Felisa. We recommend booking the activity in advance to check availability.

How to get to the Balcón del Coño de Ronda?

El Balcón del Coño is located on the Paseo de los Ingleses, very close to the Plaza de Toros de Ronda.

We hope you enjoy your next visit to Ronda and the Balcón del Coño!